Cloud Hosting

Cloud 101: Understanding The Essentials

An array of interconnected computers which form a network and provide system resources on-demand such as data storage and computing power is known as cloud hosted infrastructure. The term “cloud” was coined around the late twentieth century with the emergence of the internet. It is essentially a metaphor for storing data redundantly, in the sense that the data isn’t linked to any location in particular but instead resides in the overarching connections between computers, or in other words the “cloud”.

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Cloud Security

Why Cloud Security Makes All The Difference

Every year, cybercrime in Canada causes $3 billion in losses. Unfortunately, the fact that  cybercrime is a common issue deters some newcomers away from embracing the utility the cloud has to offer. The cloud’s constant evolution and enabling features makes it a staple in the modern tech industry. The cybercrime numbers don’t lie, but neither do the cloud professionals. The experts are here to explain that with proper cloud security and protection consumers and businesses can take full advantage of the cloud with complete ease of mind.

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