Application Deployment and Management

We can determine the most secure & efficient deployment and management strategy for all of your software applications.

Increase Business Productivity With An Application Management Strategy

Every business is unique, and like your business, the applications that you rely on for day-to-day and long-term operations are an important part of maintaining productivity and growth. With a custom application management strategy from Cloud Metric, you and your team can increase productivity and focus, while having the peace of mind knowing that your infrastructures hardware, software and applications are monitored, secure and maintained on the cloud. Choose straight infrastructure (IaaS) to build your own platform, or choose a pre-made platform (PaaS) to deploy your application or software. The sky is the limit with Cloud Metrics private, dedicated and compliant environment.

Application Deployment

Deployment Strategy

Custom Hardware Solutions
Infrastructure Development
IaaS, PaaS & SaaS Deployments
Application Integration

Resource Monitoring

Track CPU and RAM Usage
Disk Capacity and Bandwidth
Storage Optimization
Issue Resolution and Mitigation

Application Monitoring

Proactively Identify and Resolve
Issues and Bugs
Automated Updates
Software Optimization

Start a conversation today.

Speak to one of our cloud experts and request a free quote.


    As your business grows, the applications, tools, and processes used change and grow too. Connecting these applications by allowing them to communicate helps your team to scale easily and reliably. Cloud Metric works with your existing platforms and software applications to seamlessly integrate, customize and optimize communication, automation and other business management tools. Every business is unique and requires its own development, deployment and management strategies – let us help you!

    Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Deployments

    Host all of your business applications, development and management tools, “big data”, and operating system information on a virtual data centre for easy, remote collaboration for teams. Reduce the need for additional computing power or overwhelmed resources using Cloud Metrics IaaS.

    Platform as a Service (PaaS) Deployments

    Develop, test, and manage your day-to-day business applications and runtime environments using PaaS, a cloud platform designed for access through a remote VPN (virtual private network) or as a team. PaaS applications help reduce the need for additional hardware, infrastructure and software required to manage application environments.

    Software as a Service (SaaS) Deployments

    Using cloud-based software applications through a web browser, customers are able to easily access programs and tools without additional hardware or software installations. SaaS applications such as web-based Customer Management Software (CRM) or office tools such as Microsoft Office 365 are often subscription-based and are ready for use once the user registration is complete.


    Ensure the safety and redundancy of your organization’s data with Cloud Metric’s application/data backup and recovery, resource and application monitoring and service/software restoration. Using proactive application and resource monitoring, we can provide detailed, custom reporting, identify and quickly resolve potential issues and ensure that your business applications and data are recovered fully and quickly following a disaster.